I am sitting here relaxing for the weekend and enjoying it to the hilt. I am getting my reading in, some computer time and yes even some parental time - that last bit I don't do often. I am making a concerted effort to not think of all the things I need to do on Monday and all the things I didn't get done on Friday but of course work is still a big part of my thoughts. So, I turn those thoughts in a different direction. Telling stories of all the crazy stuff that happens and all the fun people I get to deal with. Humour is my best way to unwind. You may notice if you ever meet me face to face that you could tell me the lamest joke but I laugh to the point of tears...this means I likely had a rough week.
Isn't laughter great though? I laugh out loud when I'm reading, watching a movie or talking to a friend, and I do not have a quiet laugh. Well, quiet anything. So, please go find a good comedy (in whatever medium) and laugh it off....now, don't you feel better?