Jul 8, 2007

Summer is here

Well I've finally done it. Busy season is done at work, busy season is done at church so now I can relax.

We were fortunate this year to have Rockford band up visiting for Stampede and what a great time. Thursday evening we all gathered at the church to share in dinner and a massed band practice. It was very hot in the sanctuary and having more than double the number of people in there did not help matters.

Friday morning we were up bright and early to march in the Stampede parade and what a bunch of fun that always is. This year the stampede did 30 hours of tough which meant that for 30 hours you were supposed to wear pink in support of breast cancer research so we had pink ribbons on our lapels and the timbrels had pink ribbons on their tambourines. It was great marching and seeing the pink theme reflected in our audience as well. What a fabulous show of support. Friday night we gathered at the grounds for the chuckwagon races and grandstand show. I loved the grandstand show it just seems to get better and better every year and the fireworks were amazing.

Saturday was the BBQ and hoe-down at the church. It was another really hot day but the food was great and the program was really well done. After the program a bunch of us went out and it was a great opportunity to meet several of the Rockford people and get to know them a bit better.

Today was church and then lunch with the two bands afterwards. I really enjoyed the visitors and am sorry to see them go home, but look forward to seeing them again. What a great stampede weekend.


I'm such a Calgarian.

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