Nov 5, 2008

This and That...and the other.

So for those of you that may not know I'm a reader. I don't mean that in the Firefly/Serenity way but rather in the always holding a book in front of my face way. I always have at least one book in my bag and usually at least three that I'm reading at home. So when books get made into movies or TV shows I almost always prefer the book. The notable exception to that being The Devil Wears Prada. While I do prefer to read the book I will say that several of these movies have been excellent. The Lord of the Rings movies were great to watch and I enjoy them still and found that their discrepancies were for the most part minor and understandable given the transition from book to big screen.

Now there is a new series on television call The Legend of the Seeker. It is based on a series of books by Terry Goodkind called The Sword of Truth series. I have only just started reading this series in the past year and have enjoyed it. However, the tv series so far is drastically different in order of events, characater knowledge and relationship with each other. At the end of the episodes I say "at least the names are the same". I do enjoy the series though so I'm trying to pretend it has nothing to do with the books and just relax and savour the good action sequences and the directors use of a slow motion scene.

In other news:

I am still working through my application process for training college which right now consists of me working on a course. Whether or not I am accepted I pray that God's will be done in every step of the process even if that means I stay in Calgary or if I end up in Winnipeg full time.

I burned the entire length of my finger and it really hurts - this is the entertainment portion of my blog I mean really my entire finger. However, there is a guy that I work with now who is more accident prone then me.

I'm going to Winnipeg for a weekend about officership and find myself standing back and thinking that I managed to avoid Winnipeg for 23 years and now I go back twice this year. My bandmaster is worried about my travelling destinations - Edmonton, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Winnipeg.

I'm hoping to go to Seattle in the spring - stay tuned for updates.

1 comment:

Fred and Wendy said...

Glad to hear the process continues...hope you love your weekend in Winnipeg!