Nov 11, 2009

Some Funny Moments

Well, I thought I'd write out some of the funny moments that have happened to me and around me and some even because of me since I've been here.
  • On the day of my first time as the chapel leader I managed to catch the back of my pants on a chair and tear them. I then proceeded to tell everyone about it so they were aware of why I had my jacket tied around my waist.
  • In pastoral care class when discussing about an internal process that shows outwardly I said "This rings a bell, I'm just not sure which one"
  • I brought down the back door of the van onto someones head (accident I swear it)
  • One of my session mates has an interesting time mixing up words of songs singing things like "High, high as the ocean" or "the world before me, the cross behind me". The last one came up when we were singing the chorus to Onward Christian Soldiers which contains the line "with the cross of Jesus going on before" and I leaned forward and said to her "note how the cross comes before you".
These aren't all of them but a few to start you off. I figure I'll continue this theme as the months go by cause we all know I'll have even more of these moments. I'll also say that any of these stories that involve other people are written with their permission.

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