Dec 4, 2009

The First Semester

Well, it hardly seems possible but I'm within days of the end of the first semester here at training college. I had been warned that time flew here at CFOT but I don't know that I was fully prepared for that. I thought I'd jot down a few of the reasons why time has flown so fast and how they are affecting me.
The school aspect has been a combination of doors opening wide and severe frustration for me. It was anticipated that due to my lack of education before coming here that university level coursework would be a challenge for me, and while that is true I am happy to say that I am managing better than expected. In fact my two highlights in a week are Old Testament and Church History classes. I have really come to love the time spent in Church History and am going to miss it in the next semesters. Old Testament class has opened my eyes to some new ways of reading the Bible and learning what is has to teach us. As I have learned some of the context and culture of the times it has really helped my understanding.
Field has been a growing experience in every way. We are interacting with groups and people from all over the city and I feel privileged to participate in that program. Every time we go out as a group I learn some new aspect of the Army and how it works to provide assistance for those that require it. I am excited to be participating in a field placement next semester and look forward to the opportunity provided to me there.
They are about using your talents here that's for sure. I have done 5 dance performances, a duet twice, am up to sing a solo, play in the band and the list goes on. This is a great environment for that because no matter what your talent is - singing, speaking, administration - there is a place for you. What I've listed are just some of the many opportunities here, so I don't want people to think it's all about the music cause that just isn't the case.
These are just a few of the reasons why it seems like I just arrived. I still miss home an awful lot, well, more the people then Calgary itself, but am excited to be here and slaving away :). I'm sure the next few months to the summer will go even faster, but now to get through the rest of December.

1 comment:

Fred and Wendy said...

Time goes by quickly when you are doing what you feel called to do! The Lord is going to bless your openness to His will and growing in the experience of training!