Mar 13, 2010


This may come as somewhat as a surprise given my age but I do not yet have my full drivers license. For a variety of reasons I have never gotten around to having it, however, that time has passed and now for a variety of reasons I need to get it. So, while I try and contemplate things to blog about this came to my mind.

I have held a learners permit twice now and have actually transferred it into another province at this stage of the game. My motivation to get out and drive has always been a little sketchy and I tend to need some prodding along the way. So I had my first driving experiences on the farm driving a tractor, and then along some of Alberta's back roads driving this huge old car. The second time I got my learners I have been more successful and went with my uncle and one of my cousins (personal peanut gallery) and did the whole parking lot driving and then slowly some more street driving.

Since arriving here I have been out more and more and my aim is to have my full license by early May so that I can be fully mobile on my own which is necessary for where I'm headed in life - and that's going to be a literal heading not a metaphorical one. I went out driving today and had a great time. My instructor was very encouraging and pointed out some great areas for me to focus on for now. I was able to practice things that I haven't done yet in a safe environment and overall made me feel as though this isn't a lost cause.

Look for an update in May to see whether or not I make it through.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Way to go Kyla!!! I've had my learner's since I took driver's ed in grade 12, 5 years ago LOL! I just have no interest in driving, so I just haven't gone for my road test... Hope you do well!!! =D