Sep 29, 2010

What to blog about?

The title of this blog really sums it up. I never know what to blog about. I've had the odd suggestion about putting up portions of my papers/sermons for school, but I don't know if that's really something anyone is interested in - mind you are the updates as to what's going on around here of any interest either.

When I started blogging my personal commitment was to write something once a month. However, I find as I blog I want to blog more consistently, but I just don't know about debate whether or not to keep it going.

As a brief update into my second year - I am enjoying the classes and starting to get back into the swing of school. It's great to be able to debate many points in class and come to a greater understanding. My field placement at Winnipeg East has started and I am enjoying my time there so far and am sure I will continue to enjoy it. My keyboard on my laptop has many idiosyncrasies right now so I'll catch you later and let you know if this blog is continuing.

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