Aug 20, 2008

New Job

So, it finally happened...I am leaving my current job and going back to oil and gas. Talk about scary. I had only just started looking again when they called and very quickly I was hired. Too quickly to's only now starting to sink in. I've been working at this place for going on three years and have made some wonderful relationships that I will miss. The reactions of people as they find out I'm leaving have been very interesting and for the most part incredibly supportive.

There was a senior manager who said he hopes it goes badly so he can recruit me back was very sweet, but the manager who said well see ya then was a little off putting. So I focus on the good ones. I didn't expect this level of support and I guess sadness(?) from people. I will miss seeing a lot of them day to day and discussing my "breakfast" of coke or being teased for my heavy sighs in the morning by one of the partners. I'll miss a fun rivalry with one of the other assistants who says her managers like me better then her and the senior associate who comes by every Friday to do the Happy Friday dance.

I am looking forward to going back to oil and gas which is after all my background and working with a really good friend who I've worked with a few times before. I'm excited to be going back as an admin instead of document control and working for someone who trusts me to know my job and will leave me to do it. I focus on things like building new day to day relationships and keeping the ones that mattered at my old job.

So all in all? I find myself ready and willing for the challenge and glad this came about at exactly this time for me.


LefthandedSocks said...

Good for you Kyla. It is nice to feel so positive about a new job.

Kyla McKenzie said...

Yeah this positive thinking thing is taking some getting used to ;). Guess you'd know all about the new job factor right now too eh? Hope it's going well.

Fred and Wendy said...

Congratulations Kyla - glad to hear you feel good about this! What adventures does the LORD have in mind for you now.

Kyla McKenzie said...

We shall see Fred, I try not to even guess at what the Lord has in store for me cause as soon as I think I know it changes ;)

Unknown said...

Only good things.