Sep 1, 2008


Well, I find I have to post this story for the humour effect.

While I was housesitting/dog sitting for friends I actually had kids ring the doorbell and runaway. Now maybe this would normally be only a small annoyance and mostly something to chuckle at, caused a small chain of events that made it highly entertaining.

My friends dog ran to the door upon hearing the doorbell and I was not paying attention enough to remember he should be upstairs when I open the door and sure enough when I opened it he was off like a shot. Now he stayed close by and I had his treats so I figured getting him back would be easy and we were well on our way until the little girls cat from across the street came to investigate and well there went the dog. So of course as cats and dogs do they fought and of course the dog lost. Then there followed another spate of running around to catch him and the girls were very helpful and then low and behold two boys walked over to ask how he escaped so I explained the situation as I picked him up and thanked the kids for their efforts and wouldn't you know it as I was walking back to the house behind me I heard "Don't do that again" shouted by one of the boys to his friend and a scared SHHH as they wondered if I heard. I left it alone as hey I can understand wanting to try the legendary prank and really as you read and picture all this can't you see the humour?

Oh and just so you can see this all clearly when I'm lounging at home - you know doing laundry, cleaning, cooking whatever I just wear sweats and a big baggy t-shirt. Now for those of you who are wondering how this is different from what I wear's usually jeans outside the house and shoes.

Oddly enough though this has not changed my desire to not have children ;).


Anonymous said...

I like the frog much better!

Kyla McKenzie said...

After your comment I started thinking "if they have spiders I bet they have frogs" and hey what could be more appropriate for the frog blog then a frog.