Nov 30, 2010

Where did it go?

Well, I have not written in ages, which is never my intention and yet often my result. Ah well, it`s blogging time now.

I am honestly sitting here in stunned disbelief that it is the middle of December and I am off on my second (and last) winter assignment. That is if they don`t keep me back another year hahaha. My fourth semester in training college is complete and my last one is almost upon me. I marvel time and again at how quickly things go now that I`m here at CFOT.

This semester was very challenging for me in many ways and yet I learned so much it`s hard to believe it all fits inside my head. I am very excited to continue my studies (not so excited about the papers :) but they have their benefits too) in the next semester and I look forward to continuing to grow in my relationship with God as I prepare for the final stage of my training.

It`s almost Christmas eh? and while I've said it before....where did the time go so that came around again? In what I'm doing it can be hard sometimes to see the joy for all the busyness and need but there are also so many ways to see it. In any children that participate in a Christmas event, in ourselves as we light candles and sing Silent Night...all taking those few moments to remember that as simplistic as it sounds Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Sometimes the truest messages can be found in the oldest adage.

Well, I'm off for now, a bit of sleep before my winter assignment starts up - so excited. I'm sure I'll blog again before Christmas but other than that date I can't give you one any firmer so just keep an eye out.

Nov 22, 2010


I've been doing a lot more writing over the past year and a half then I normally do and while it hasn't really improved my grammar it has improved how I see the different writing styles and tools out there. I have learned that writing can help me in all sorts of ways.

Do you journal? I have never gotten into it. Over the years I have been given notebook after notebook, diary after diary but have never quite been able to get into the habit of writing my thoughts down in them. This past year though I've given some thought to the whole concept of journaling more often as I've seen the way it can be helpful in spiritual formation.

Another form of writing comes with school and that is of course the dreaded paper writing :). I do a lot of that these days in a whole variety of formats - research, essay, sermons etc...The exercise of writing these things out helps me clarify what I've learned and put some structure around it.

Possibly my favourite form of writing is the all-powerful list. I love writing out things to do, grocery lists, what I'm going to do when (insert activity or milestone here). These are my chief form of organization and a tool that consistently helps me feel more in control of any given situation and my role in it - even when it's my own situation.

What kind of writing do you do? Does it help clarify, bring a feeling of control, or is it another exercise to get through? For me sometimes it's any and all of the above.

Nov 12, 2010

General Update

Just thought I'd write a quick note as to what I've been up to lately.

I've been really enjoying my class time this semester as I'm taking courses in Homiletics, Organizational Leadership, Pentateuch and Jesus of Nazareth (in no particular order of preference). It's been great to spend time in each of these classes learning all sorts of new things and really learning to open my mind and think. I enjoy being able to interact with the teachers in these classes and they are great at taking the time to work through questions and observations.

I already wrote about going to Markham, ON for my winter assignment and I am thrilled about that. Every day that brings it closer I get more excited about the opportunities there. I won't be going to Calgary or anywhere for Christmas this year which is sad, but I know I'll have a good time here in Winnipeg hanging out with the crowd that's staying here.

My field placement at Winnipeg East is going very well. I am enjoying the opportunity to meet and get to know a whole group of people who have known my dad's family for a long time....although most of them don't know my dad :). I also love the ministry opportunities I'm getting to experience while at the corps and the lovely people there. I look forward to my remaining months there.