Today is March 15 and it is also the Ides of March. On the Ides of March 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated through the plotting of Marcus Brutus and landed the date into history. Shakespeare - in his play Julius Caesar - portrays Brutus as a tragic hero who murders Caesar a brutal tyrant, but of course history isn't quite as confident on those extreme notes. However, the idea of betraying a close friend is one that has been popular in history and of course Christianity is no exception.
In our Ethics class this week we spoke about the idea of betrayal and the name Judas Iscariot came up and of course I jumped to Dante's Inferno. I don't know why I make that leap, but when the name Judas Iscariot comes up I am reminded of the 9th circle of hell reserved for those worst sinners - those who betray a special relationship. Now in my defense for why Judas comes to mind - he is in that 9th circle.
So maybe today's post is really about relationships. Keeping them healthy, remembering that grace is a good thing, and that no matter if the relationship is good or bad none of us want to end up saying "Et tu Brutus?"
image from: http://www.globalresearch.ca
Well said Angel of Death!
You know of all the nicknames that might have lasted...that was not one I ever thought of! You keep your annoyance title
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