Sep 6, 2012


Sometimes a hobby can be a hard thing to maintain. Now, I obviously don't actually count reading as a hobby as it is both mandatory as well as optional in my life. Not to mention that I think everyone should read a few books a year, no matter what their view of reading is, but I appreciate that I'm biased.

For me, hobbies would include...movies, needlework of varying Facebook a hobby? If it is then we can toss that in there too. The rest come and go and aren't really hobbies at all. Hobbies (for me at least) require a certain amount of discipline, okay, not Facebook, but the other ones, and especially needlework. I tend to start a project and then it takes me forever to finish it. So, I am trying to be more dedicated to my hobbies. I put down the book for awhile and pick up the cross-stitch. I put down my work after hours or on my days off and pick up the knitting needles.

Work is still the priority and the siren call of reading will always be there but hey, maybe I can actually finish my list of scarves and blankets that I want to get done and, even more remarkably finish the cross-stitch I'm working on (picture below - can you see what it's becoming?).

I will say though that there is one thing that is never hard to put housecleaning...sigh...back to the dishes I go :).

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