Aug 20, 2012


Gotta figure that intensives are called that for a reason...and they live up to the hype. I had two weeks of intensives in Winnipeg and it was a heavy duty couple of weeks, however, it was great. I stayed at the college and that was really nice. The rooms were decent, the staff were very helpful and the food was good. It also made it really easy to get to and from class and even to and from church on Sunday. I had many reasons to be thankful I was staying there.

The classes I took were Jeremiah and Shakespeare and both were extremely informative. There are those that might wonder how Shakespeare could be of any use and to them I would recommend taking this class because that question is answered there. Both of the classes elicited great discussions and really got you thinking. The teachers were very nice and always helpful. The work was hard and you had to be on your game which got harder and harder as the weeks progressed due to huge brain fog that was happening by the end but it was worth it (I think).

Above and beyond all of these things though was the people. I got to see a bunch of family and friends as well as attend the corps I had gone to for my second year at training college and that was amazing. I really enjoyed those conversations and the opportunities to see and talk over things with mentors. I went to some of my favourite Winnipeg restaurants...okay all of my favourite Winnipeg restaurants. Man alive, this was a great, exhausting, educating couple of weeks and no matter how tired I am now, or how many times I have to try and preserve the brains leaking out of my ears I am glad that I went.

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