Oct 31, 2010

Reformation Sunday

Today is not only Hallowe'en but also Reformation Sunday. Now, some people may be surprised and others may simply roll their eyes when I say that I'm a big church history nut (emphasis on nut sometimes). On a day like today though it's pretty cool to look back at our church history and get a tiny glimpse as to how we ended up here today.

On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of his church - how would you like that sermon on Sunday morning? This event is considered the trigger to the move towards reformation and eventually the rise of the Protestant church. Of course there were many, many factors and people that led to this momentous movement but it never hurts to give out applause to the bold statement of Martin Luther almost 500 years ago.

As I walk along a path that will include a lot of preaching (including today for that matter) I ask myself - what am I saying? Am I bold enough to preach what needs to be preached? Am I listening to God's desires for my sermons? Is what I'm saying, what people need to hear? I hope the answer to all of these questions is yes and I hope that for every congregation not just where I am.

My we all be richly blessed through what we see, hear and do - not only - but especially this Reformation Sunday.

1 comment:

Fred and Wendy said...

The great miracle of God each Sunday is in the speaking AND in the hearing...that is that what God says in mingled into what we say (or perhaps more correctly the other way around) and then that people hear what God is saying!

The LORD will use you!