Sep 27, 2011

Rules for Sleeping With the Cat

Well, I couldn't sleep last night and as I was tossing and turning I greatly upset my cat and that's what inspired this little post.

1 - the bed is not your bed it is the cat's bed and they allow you to sleep in it.....sometimes
2 - if you are allowed to sleep in the bed the cat is allowed to pick their preferred location first...this may be in a place that is not convenient for you...too bad
3 - if you try to move the cat to a more convenient location be warned...nuff said
4 - your job is to lie as still as possible so as not to disturb the cat, if you cannot, see above rule 3
5 - when you wake up and the cat is not ready to wake up it is your job to get out of bed without disturbing the cat. This is only common courtesy as it is the cat's bed.

I'm obviously feeling a little whimsical due to a lack of sleep, but that's my giggle for the morning. My cat is actually not bad all around but she is still, after all, a cat


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