Oct 10, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

What a great weekend! I had some friends in from Calgary and it was really great to be able to spend some time with them and to have some company around on this weekend. They arrived Saturday afternoon and he immediately got to work helping me around the house. It is really nice to be able to sit on the couch and see some of my pictures hung along with the clock ticking away on the wall and to know that the last few things I needed removed have been.

My cat did not take well to their dog or vice versa, but she has forgiven me and is curled up on the couch with me.

After Saturday of course comes Sunday and we had a beautiful time of worship on Sunday morning. It was nice to have a baby in with us as they seem to bring life wherever they go. On Sunday we also had a time of sharing as we answered the question - what are you thankful for. Well, one of the many things I am thankful for is to be able to hear from others the joys of their lives and the reasons they have to offer up thanksgiving to God. Then...then it was time for a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner and I am ever reminded of how blessed I am to have more than enough food on the table and friends to share it with.

Sunday night it was out for a bit of a drive as we saw some of the gorgeous sights here in Fernie - Mountain views, the new Miner's walk and just generally enjoyed ourselves. Also, I finally got my picture taken at the Welcome to Fernie sign...or Fernie Welcome in this case.

This morning was a chance to sit back and enjoy each others company for a few more hours before they headed home. I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy this weekend and spend some time with my friends, and now I am thankful for the opportunity to relax for a few more hours and enjoy some quiet time today.