Nov 13, 2011

Remembrance Day & Family Visit

This past Friday we took time to remember those who have fallen in battle for us - both those who died many years ago and those who continue to serve and fall today. I am very fortunate in this appointment to be the Legion Padre for Fernie and as such was able to participate in many of the Remembrance Day services. It was great to be able to listen to the children's voices from a local school choir, to hear the singing of the national anthems and to look around and see a town that came out to support and remember. My day and my involvement was definitely a unique privilege.

Also on Friday my dad and his wife arrived for the weekend and it was a great time. I am loving being close enough to family that I can visit them and they can visit me. I also love having family who will play the piano and read scripture during the service :). We spent some time driving around Fernie and checking out some of the scenic locations. I'm starting to get better with knowing my way around to those very locations. It's great to be able to really know this town as my home....or at least getting there.

Dad also figured out my fireplace and they put together some furniture for me so I guess I'll have to let them come back sometime. Also, for all of his protests my father seems pretty fond of my little cat. She, however, was not so fond of him unless I was nearby or there were treats involved.

All in all a great weekend - even with my cold acting up.

1 comment:

Pink Lotus said...

Nice Posting for family visiting . interesting info share in the post.