Jan 23, 2012


I like technology! I enjoy computers, the ability to chat with friends and family no matter where we are and the speed of it all. I'm not an early adopter by any stretch of the imagination but I like to know what's out there and how it might be used. Yet even with a good and open mind to technology I get to the point of thinking "whoa, how did we get here".

I was at the store the other day and picked up a Blu-Ray as a bit of a treat. Much to my surprise the price for this item, a fairly recent move, was only $13.00. Despite my youth my thoughts started to go in this direction..."$13, how is a Blu-Ray that cheap, they used to be so expensive, no matter how old or new the movie. What about DVDs, remember when they first came out? Forget DVDs even I remember my first VHS..." Well, you get the idea. As I was having these thoughts I stopped myself with the question of "Come on Kyla, how old are you? Not old enough to have this thought process" (yes, I talk to myself and respond, it's a thing).

This whole process was just a couple of minutes where I apparently aged 30 years but nonetheless it did get me thinking just how fast things move these days and how much more important it is to savour the small stuff. Well there ya go, a Blu-Ray movie that made me all philosophical and stuff ;)