Mar 28, 2012


There is nothing so confident in appearance as a contented cat surveying their realm. You see, a few weeks ago I got an electric blanket and Little B adores this blanket when it's turned on. She gets on the blanket, stretches out and there is something about the set of her head that states - this is my land and I suffer you to be here with me. Everything about a cat, or at least my cat, in this instance is about confidence, even arrogance.

Cats are known for getting what they want through this confidence and I think that can easily carry over to people as well. Now, I'm not advocating arrogance by any stretch of the imagination, but if we take a cats confidence down a couple of levels to healthy confidence I think a lot can be accomplished.

All people have worth, all are loved by God and in fact he plans our days long before we take our first breath (Psalm 139). This is a reason to hold our heads up high, to remember that we have worth and that yes, we can accomplish what we set our minds to. We can also have confidence in God - confidence that we serve a God who loves us, who desires what is best for us and who will walk with us through all the valleys in life...confidence, not always a bad moderation of course, and certainly not to the level of my cat. Now, I have to go and try to get some space for me to sleep in.

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