May 28, 2012


I have always had a pet. I actually don't remember a time where I didn't own a pet. I had Juliet the cat, Trixie the dog, Lucy the goose, Bullroarer the pigeon and of course my current tormentor - Little B. In and amongst all of these were Charlie, Kip, Nabob, Boo, about a zillion different birds of varying types, various hamsters, and fish...I've had it all when it comes to pets and a few pretty unusual ones. I enjoy having a pet to play with and torment and whatnot. There's the simple joy in a dog, the quirkiness of cats, the soothing views of fish, and, well, I don't know why I wanted hamsters.
Right now, as I mentioned, I have a cat. I've had her for 12 years now and she never fails to do something that makes me laugh. At this time we have another cat in the neighbourhood who is wandering around and driving my cat nuts as she tries desperately to get to it and as I watch her zip around the house trying to keep the other cat in sight I have to laugh, as well as keep moving so she doesn't damage anything...cats! It's also nice to have the company around the house - she always meets me at the door.

I think a dog is next on my list but only if I'm ready for the commitment. A dog takes a lot more work than a cat. I miss the fun of playing fetch with a dog and the forced walking experience. Not to mention that after 12 years it'd at least be a change which is always good. Or, maybe I'll  get a puppy and a kitten to cover all the bases. Nothing until Little B has passed on though as she's earned the right to rule her house.


Fred and Wendy said...

Really? A cat posting?

Kyla McKenzie said...

Well, a pet posting...can't be a crazy cat lady in a few years though if I don't start laying the ground work.