May 20, 2012

You just never know

I am a nerd! Not a big nerd, but I definitely am one. I can discuss at length why the X-Men movies were disappointing with the exception of First Class. I have seen every Star Trek movie and almost every episode of every Star Trek series (that almost is what keeps me from the big nerd level). I love to read sci-fi and fantasy novels and enjoy most shows in those genres as well and I have LOVED the series of Avengers movies that have come out (not the first Hulk, the second one). I've always been this way and plan on continuing to be a nerd in my own small way. However, this can be a good thing as you just never know what's going to be useful - even on a Sunday morning.

I had two young boys in my service today and one of them did not want to be there at all which is fine because hey, I remember times when I really didn't want to be in church either. However, this little guy left church glad he had come because not only did we sing songs about soldiers and battles, BUT the sermon contained.....THE AVENGERS!!! It didn't before I got up to speak on Sunday but when I started talking about a movie the boy spoke up to say he had just seen The Avengers and so I used that to illustrate the point that no matter what happens to us we need to keep on doing good for people just like The Avengers - albeit for a different reason.

So, being a nerd has it's good, socially usable moments...who knew. More importantly, God will use us to get the message across in a way that people will hear.

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