Jul 21, 2012


Vacation takes many different forms. Some go all over the world to visit sites or to sit on a beach, others visit family, sometimes it`s about staying home and relaxing in your own environment. I have done some of all of that and this particular vacation involved going to see friends and family. One of the things I love about my current location is being this close to the home town I grew up in.

I'm not going to give a play by play of my vacation don't worry about that. I used the time to pick up some things I needed, to go to bed early and to simply enjoy not having to be anywhere for any given time. More importantly I used the time to get together with friends and family. I got to eat some great food too at various dinners.

I love Swiss Chalet dearly and so I went there multiple times for food and enjoyed every single bite. In Edmonton I went somewhere called Lazia`s and highly recommend it for anyone who is looking for somewhere to eat. In Calgary I got to eat at my favourite steak house - Cesear`s - and savoured every single bit of steak that I put into my mouth....man was it cooked to perfection. A few other places were squeezed in - Harvey`s, Earl`s, things like that and so all in all I may have rolled back to my house rather than drove.

Shopping was also a large part of my vacation and I wandered up and down malls and streets into stores and up to kiosks and booths. These days I only shop like this maybe once a year so it was quite the treat and I find myself happy with all the purchases and enjoyed the walking.

When I got home I had a very upset cat who will now not leave my side...gonna be hard on her again soon enough.

Ahhh.....love vacation

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