Apr 20, 2007


Well I logged on for a little while today just so I could eliminate some of the load of e-mails I knew were waiting for me. I cleared those up and thought I'd do a short blog - mostly to keep my dad from nagging at me when I go too long between posts.

I've been in Mexico a week now and have really enjoyed it. However, I will be glad to get home and relax in my nice apartment with my great cat. I was pleased to here from Kris that she had been very well behaved this trip.

The weather here has been in and around 30 degrees the entire time. Can you believe that? Most days I've been able to handle it but today it hits me like a wall whenever I go outside. I guess I'm back in my climate.

I've had some interesting experiences for sure. Even right now the blogger page is in Spanish while I type in English. Naviagting around the page has sure been interesting. Admittedly though language has been a very small barrier here. Most people speak some English and I speak some Spanish.

I'd best be on my way as my mother's asked three times "are you going to be much longer?" and that's a sure sign she's impatient. More details when I get back.

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