Apr 10, 2007

On my way

Well, it's finally here. I leave for my trip in just a few short days. I planned it well this year and I get a couple of days off before I leave which I am really looking forward to. That means I can finish cleaning and be all ready to go without my normal last minute panic. That's the theory I'm working off of at this point. I'm sure I won't get around to anything in advance and spend the morning of the day I leave running around like crazy. I'm a great planner; too bad about the rest of it.

So, I'll talk to you all when I get back. I hope the weathers at least somewhat bad while I'm gone so I can enjoy my +30 all the more. Don't hate me for thinking that. Just think of all the jokes you'll get out of my sunburn.

1 comment:

LefthandedSocks said...

Have fun Kyla! I to experiance the phenomina of planning to do something in advance and yet I still end up running around like crazy just before I have to go somewhere. Odd, isn't it?