Apr 24, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I am very glad to be back however, I'll miss the relaxation that I found in Mexico. I was able to go kayaking on the ocean, and I saw dolphins which were both quite exciting. I really enjoyed shopping there and wandering along the boardwalk. I don't get to haggle here very often so to get to haggle in the flea markets and with all the wandering sellers was fantastic. Even though I've no doubt they always got the better bargain. The people selling were very aggressive and would follow you around asking you to name a price, or what you would like to pay. Well and you can't go to Mexico without beating off timeshare people, but I can get rid of people like no ones business. The food was great and there was loads of it. In fact with the food you had to watch that you didn't eat constantly. The flight home was nice and quiet and all around it was just a great trip.

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