Then there's the new glasses - love the frames but very different for me to look out. They sit a lot higher on my nose than my old ones and so when I try to look down I keep forgetting to move my whole head and all of a sudden find myself unable to see :). It's almost like I'm getting used to bifocals or something. I also really notice the thickness of my prescription in these because the frames are very thin. Someone mentioned saving for laser eye surgery and I think it might be time to consider that. Although I do love these glasses....maybe funky reading glasses.
Then there's the topic of having my adorable if lead filled cat back. I honestly don't understand how a cat that small makes more noise than I do. I was coming home one day and as I stood outside the door I could hear her thumping down the steps to the entry way. She is some good company though. I enjoy having her around to play with, tease and curl up with to read my books. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she'll be turning 12 in November. I may get teased, but I did miss her over my two year period in college and I love having her back. Some may think she's evil (I can actually think of 6 people who may think that), but she's my baby.
Well, there we go a mismatched, non-thematic blog but it's a bit about what's going on right now. Some of these topics I've discussed before in one way or another, but hey, life is occasionally repetitive for me :).
The scenery looks nice and your new glasses look great. The smelly feline... not so much. ;-D
Glad you love the location, love the glasses, and well, I'll say it once, glad you have company in the cat. Have you ever thought of getting a dog though?
Beautiful pics and pretty look. awesome posting
Fred, I have thought about getting a dog and may do so after Little B - we'll much more work though.
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