Jun 26, 2010

Robert's Arm

I have arrived in Robert's Arm, Nfld. and am in love with the view around here. It is fairly well known that I am in love with my home province of Alberta and think that there is little to compare with the breath taking vistas of the Rockie Mountains. However, I stand here today and tell you that the rugged landscape of Newfoundland is every bit as beautiful. I love being surrounded by the water - even with all the flies :).
The drive here was long but I got to stop in Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor and then up to Robert's Arm. I've since been back to Grand Falls and have also made it to Triton and Pilley's Island. I have on my list of place to visit - Springdale, Brighton, Long Island, St. Pierre and who knows where else. I am excited to see even more of this great Island than I have before.

In my time so far I have so far, attended a funeral, participated in my first wedding as a member of the clergy and made a few visits. I've also had a lot of fun sorting through clothes to make ready for the bag sale next week. It may sound boring but once you take into account that you're playing with clothes all day and the endless possibilities that presents you realize how fun it is.

I am enjoying this a little bit more every day as I get to know the community and people here better and look forward to my remaining time here. Look forward (or dread) to more blogging from me over the Summer as I expect I'll have a lot to share.

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