Well if you meet my mom you'll find out she's almost always cold and if you meet my dad you'll find out he's often too hot. I don't know whether to class myself as fortunate or not but I am like my dad in that I am always too hot. So, I try to complain as little as possible in the winter so that I can dish it out in the summer :). Then, when someone says "we always complain that it's too cold and then complain when it gets hot" I can honestly say that's not the case for me. I don't always succeed as the winters where I'm from are long and unpredictable and Winnipeg is not any better but I do my best to save it for this time of year.

As I write this now it is after 8pm and still holding at 26 degrees. Yesterday it got to 32 degrees out here and it's hot enough to melt ya. I find the heat difficult to bear and just want to stretch out on the floor and pray for cooler weather. I will admit that I am not looking forward to the heat in the sanctuary tomorrow morning and evening. At least when I mention a hot day in my sermon we'll have a point of reference to deal with.
It's been a good week three here in Robert's Arm and I can't believe I'm heading into week four as of Monday. I was pleased to get my flight changed to head out to BC to visit my mom and my cat at the end of August and look forward to that time and then time spent in Calgary with other friends and family. I am missing home a lot this weekend as it's time for the Calgary Stampede and I am missing the parade and Glenmore Temple festivities for the first time in years. In fact I've at least attended these festivities my whole life and have been participating since I was 13 or 14 years old. It's certainly one of those milestones of being away and one that really struck me today.
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