Dec 4, 2009
The First Semester
Nov 20, 2009
I am the oldest of the 11 grandchildren and I have been living in Winnipeg since September when I joined the college for officers training just like my grandfather, and I just discovered what to me, is a very cool connection. Every group of people in this program is given a sessional name. My session is called the Ambassadors of Holiness and often just the Ambassadors, so when I looked at Grandpa’s college photo and discovered that his session was called the Ambassadors I was pretty thrilled. If I can express one personal wish it is that I can be an officer that my grandfather would have been proud of.
You’ve heard from his sons, and now it is my privilege to tell you about our grandfather. Well, finally after 6 boys Grandpa got his girls in his grandkids and he liked that. Shonda talks about how Grandpa made her so comfortable the first time he met her with his sense of humour and stories, and I know he always loved to cuddle on the couch with me and tell me stories for as long as I would stay there or until I fell asleep and sometimes even after I fell asleep. His stories whether true or not were always entertaining, and it seemed to bring equal amounts of happiness for him to talk to his granddaughters as it did for his granddaughters to listen.
Now, don’t think Grandpa only loved the girl’s because that just wasn’t true. Scott can tell you stories about going up the roof of the apartment building with him, and sending goodnight wishes and love from their house on signal hill down to Grandma and Grandpa’s. There were plenty of times where Grandpa leaned over to whisper a joke or express the wish that someone would stop talking, but I think Stephen really summed it up where he said “You could always see behind his eyes a wisecrack. He never didn't have something to say; now whether he said it or not was another matter entirely”.
Now always having something to say is a trait that has been passed down through his children and his grandchildren. This idea of whether or not he said what he was thinking is very unique and has not yet come through the gene pool.
I have so many memories of Grandpa that have been going through my mind this week and it’s hard to pick out the ones to share and to hide the ones that will get me into trouble. He always seemed to want to break the rules whether it was going after sweets or talking when he shouldn’t be. He is of course famous for falling asleep at the table and I remember many lunches in downtown Calgary and Grandpa snoozing away while Grandma and I chatted.
I could go into the stories and events involving my grandfather for a long, long time but really what I want to tell everyone is that he was great. It is a good thing, when, as a grandchild I can look back on so many times – his retirement, Easter in Abbotsford, many times in Calgary – and the list goes on – and they are all great memories. Ones that make me laugh, smile and always remember how loved I felt. I am so privileged to be up here speaking on behalf of the grandchildren about a grandparent who evokes grins and automatic story telling of all the crazy things that happened with him around. He used to lean over and whisper “I love you, you know, so Grandpa, you’ll be missed, and your legacy continues in us but most importantly I love you, you know.
Nov 11, 2009
Some Funny Moments
- On the day of my first time as the chapel leader I managed to catch the back of my pants on a chair and tear them. I then proceeded to tell everyone about it so they were aware of why I had my jacket tied around my waist.
- In pastoral care class when discussing about an internal process that shows outwardly I said "This rings a bell, I'm just not sure which one"
- I brought down the back door of the van onto someones head (accident I swear it)
- One of my session mates has an interesting time mixing up words of songs singing things like "High, high as the ocean" or "the world before me, the cross behind me". The last one came up when we were singing the chorus to Onward Christian Soldiers which contains the line "with the cross of Jesus going on before" and I leaned forward and said to her "note how the cross comes before you".
Oct 28, 2009
Opportunities and Overwhelmed
Oct 13, 2009
Family Visit/Thanksgiving Weekend
Sep 21, 2009
Welcome Weekend
Aug 30, 2009
Aug 27, 2009
On my way
Aug 17, 2009
Farewell Sunday
Aug 14, 2009
It may be a rut but it's all mine
Jul 15, 2009
Jul 5, 2009
Stampede 2009
Jun 20, 2009
Ruthlessly Sorted
Jun 1, 2009
Here I go
I am feeling a little tugged both ways right now because there's this massive to do list but I don't want to start some things now because it's too early and at the same time I feel like I'm leaving in no time at all. The best I can do is keep plugging away at the items and the fact of the matter is what is done is done, and what isn't isn't. I can't change that nor would I if I could. The deadline helps me stay focussed.
I've started to come to the realization that oh my goodness I'm leaving this city that I've lived in for my entire life. Leaving a routine that is firmly established and centred around a church that I've been attending since I was 7 years old. No matter how often I reassure myself that I'll see my friends and family for vacation and online it just won't be the same. No more phone calls from people saying they are ont their way to pick me up for a night more "we're going to BP's" and knowing which one cause it's the only one we go to. So, I'm a little sad in and around the thrill of moving forward and doing what I'm meant to do.
Someone asked me once "What do you think when I say home", and I answered Calgary, and they were a bit surprised, but I know that no matter what changes happen in my life, and no matter where I end up this will always be home. Even if it isn't my first answer. I don't think you can ever forget the first place that was truly home.
Now, does the person who asked me that remember that conversation?
May 10, 2009
On the practical side of things I'm going around my apartment cleaning and sorting. I haven't started packing yet although that will come soon enough. The big thing for me is that I haven't cleaned out my stuff in over 5 years. The one thing about moving around every couple of months like I did when I was younger was that I didn't have that much stuff to worry about. Now I'm going to get much closer to that then I have been in awhile.
In other news, my birthday passed just recently and I always enjoy that. This year I headed to Edmonton and enjoyed being a little bit spoiled up there. Of course they do that every time I'm up there so I don't need a birthday but this time I got presents.
Now to reorganize my life and figure out how I'm going to fit in a trip to BC for my cat, packing, moving, moving again and getting to Winnipeg. Not to mention all the smaller yet no less vital things like the fact that I still have to do my day-to-day items like get groceries, go to work and make it to band practice.
Wish me luck, pray for me and stay away the minimum safe distance :)
Apr 17, 2009
Who'da Thunk?!?!

Mar 22, 2009
I got to see the fish fly at Pike Place market and a couple of those huge US stores that we don't have here. The selection at Bed, Bath and Beyond was something else. I enjoyed some fabulous and incredibly fresh seafood right on the pier and hit up my two fav. stores Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works. I sucked up my fear of heights and went to the top of the Space Needle which was windy enough that I was glad everything was fenced around, but the view was amazing and totally worth it.
I did manage to be sick (and still am as I write this), and of course being me I fell and scraped mself up some. I am now back home and still on holidays for another week or so and am planning on just lying low and getting completely healthy.
Feb 22, 2009
Tough Questions
The ones about my faith and where I'd like to go slow me up a little. Not that I don't know the answers but I haven't really had to explain that before and putting it into words has been something of a challenge. Those questions have been good for me though. I have been forced to evaluate myself on many levels and admittedly have not always come out showing well.
Some of the questions have been about timing too and that's not a question I feel I can answer except to say that I believe this is when God has called me to take the steps I'm taking, and ya know even if things don't happen this year that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm wrong. Maybe I do need to do the paperwork, and have the process done this year regardless of whether or not it happens right off the bat.
Well enough about that...I have a busy month in March and I am excited for it. I look forward to seeing some old friends, gaining some more experience in ministry and having some time off of work. I do love vacation even if I don't go anywhere.
Jan 30, 2009
Construction Zones
As for my job it has gotten interesting. Not only the increase and variety of my actual work but also the tense atmosphere due to potential layoffs. I am trying to take it all in stride while praying that I keep my job, and that everyone else keeps their jobs, but it can be difficult to work with that hanging over your head all the time.
I find working with the possibility of being laid off especially daunting because I am saving for training college this year. My application has progressed nicely and I am now finishing up the last of my paperwork. I passed my course with flying colours (for me), and am glad to be finishing everything up. Once that paperwork is done it will just be a matter of patience and prayer, and ya know...I can do those.
Oh, and I also got two new tattoos to my families many varied reactions, but these two should finish it up for me. I can't believe I have seems like it should be a lot but maybe because three of them are on my back I don't think it's too many.
Jan 1, 2009
Happy New Year
2008 was an interesting year for me. I finally progressed on my training college application, did my very first road trip with my Dad (that I remember), my mother got remarried, a lot of my friends got married, I switched jobs, I preached for the first time and I got to go to the Calgary New Years Eve hockey game. There were loads of other things too but that's just a few of the noteworthy things in my year. It's always a good feeling to look back and not regret the year before and I'm glad to know I accomplished something too.
2009 could hold and will hopefully hold some fairly massive changes in my life including moving out of the city I've always lived in and leaving a lot behind. Even as I get nervous thinking about those changes I am so happy to take comfort in the fact that my friends and family will always be there for me. I have so many "family" members who may not be related to me by blood but have supported me and cared for me as though I was and that's a constant comfort. So a big thanks and love to my entire family - related or not :).