Well, Christmas is over and it's hard to believe. I invented a new saying (invented used very loosely here). More often then not we say that we don't know where the time went...well I learned this Christmas that I know exactly where it went because I could watch every second flying by me faster than I could keep up.
For me, well, what I loved was getting to meet all these people. I mean yes, I'm an introvert and love being alone, but there is no greater way to meet people in your town than to be all over it doing your Christmas stuff and that just gets fun. I got to see the holiday train for the first time and that was cold, but really exciting too. We had a lot of fun and many people from Fernie came out into the cold bringing non-perishable food items for our food drive. The train looked amazing and the music was great.
I learned a lot through the season and I figure now I'll debrief so we can avoid making the same mistakes next year and make way for new mistakes :).
I'm really looking forward to going to Calgary for a few days on Saturday and chillin' out with friends and family over New Years.
So here I am - all the way through.
Dec 27, 2011
Dec 14, 2011
Christmas Movies
Okay, there are some Christmas movies and shows that a lot of people would list off - How the Grinch Stole Christmas, White Christmas, Miracle of 34th Street, A Charlie Brown Christmas and many, many others. I think there are a lot of people who have specific movies/shows/specials that they watch at Christmas. I know I do for sure!
My Christmas movies are - both versions of The Grinch, the Santa Clause movies, Elf, White Christmas and...The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Chronicles of Narnia movies :). I know those last two sets may seem a little odd, but as I am odd I just roll with it. See the Lord of the Rings trilogy all came out at Christmas over three years and my dad and I went to see all three together so they have come to be associated with Christmas for me. Now the Chronicles of Narnia - I have no idea when they came out but for me they also mean Christmas - especially the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. In that movie they have a couple of brief mentions that while the White Witch is ruling Narnia it is always winter and never Christmas. If you read the books those mentions happen much more frequently and so I think of them at Christmas.
I also enjoy A Charlie Brown Christmas special and all those old, corny Christmas TV specials that come on. I like the Christmas episodes of TV shows that I watch and LOVE that this year's Glee Christmas episode had both kettles and the Bible in it. Yup...it may be a busy time but the joy of Christmas is still there....even in the fun times of movies and TV specials.
So, you know what's coming, what are your favourite Christmas movies?
My Christmas movies are - both versions of The Grinch, the Santa Clause movies, Elf, White Christmas and...The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Chronicles of Narnia movies :). I know those last two sets may seem a little odd, but as I am odd I just roll with it. See the Lord of the Rings trilogy all came out at Christmas over three years and my dad and I went to see all three together so they have come to be associated with Christmas for me. Now the Chronicles of Narnia - I have no idea when they came out but for me they also mean Christmas - especially the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. In that movie they have a couple of brief mentions that while the White Witch is ruling Narnia it is always winter and never Christmas. If you read the books those mentions happen much more frequently and so I think of them at Christmas.
I also enjoy A Charlie Brown Christmas special and all those old, corny Christmas TV specials that come on. I like the Christmas episodes of TV shows that I watch and LOVE that this year's Glee Christmas episode had both kettles and the Bible in it. Yup...it may be a busy time but the joy of Christmas is still there....even in the fun times of movies and TV specials.
So, you know what's coming, what are your favourite Christmas movies?
Dec 10, 2011
Christmas Activities
I was reminded today (in a great way) just how small this world really is, and not because of technology or anything like that but simply a random occurrence. We had a great afternoon the other day in town as the Baptist church had organized a group of very talented musicians to come out and play some Christmas music. While it was pretty cold for those of us not moving around, and I'm sure even more so for the band, it was great to come along and hear praises for the birth of our Saviour.
Then today was the arrival of the holiday train from CP Rail. Again, I was pretty cold - even in my boots, gloves and toque with a warm jacket - well the uniform just isn't that toasty. Unfortunately my camera battery died but that's okay. This is a wonderful program where people are made aware of the food banks in their community and can support them in the Christmas season. I can't say it enough but here in Fernie we are very blessed to have a supportive and generous community so we got a big load of food in our van for the food bank. Then we had many hands afterwards to help us unload quickly.
Now to finish sorting the food and getting everything ready!
Nov 30, 2011
I can also reassure people that for me nothing says Christmas quite like kettles. I always enjoy my time standing on kettles as I watch people go by. Also, I find that no matter where I'm on kettles I will always run into someone I know and that gives a lovely opportunity for a chat. Now, I know almost everyone says this, but my favourite donors are the little children and the teenagers. In all of this though, I LIVE for the stories people tell me. Stories of how we may have helped them in the past, or their volunteer experiences and so on. Today was a great one - a young boy donated the money he had just received from the tooth fairy - how great is that.
You also have some great conversations on kettles...maybe you're in a store and someone is shopping for a party they are going to have, or, if you're me these days, you're that person everyone is wanting to meet and they come over to introduce themselves. It's a wonderful way to find the pulse of the town and get to know people.
Kettle time is also good thinking time and today I was thinking about all the wonderful people I met on my two winter assignments and how valuable those experiences were for me then and even more so now. I also had a good chuckle remembering some kettle experiences of mine....like the time I wondered why the mall was on an angle, only to realize I was so tired by the end of the term I had started to lean to the side and was in danger of falling over.
What a great time and what a great way to volunteer - have you thought of volunteering?
Nov 24, 2011
The Season of Advent
As hard as it is for me to believe, this week is the first Sunday of Advent. These four weeks we take some time to look at the coming of Jesus. To look at the events leading up to his birth and anticipate all the things that came to us because of his arrival here on earth. No matter how long it's been, how far away it may seem chronologically, I am always struck by the fact that he arrived helpless in a stable to start the journey of life that would lead to death on a cross. The love that this represents is staggering and something that I may never be able to fully comprehend while I'm here on earth. That love is for you and I every single day and while we take a few short weeks to focus on it leading up to Christmas we should remember it always.
My goal this year (other than to survive Christmas) is to take some time to focus on the Advent - not just the actual arrival, but on the anticipation of the arrival. To focus on the fact that he is coming and to remember what that arrival would mean. I don't want to rush through the next four weeks spiritually, but rather try to savour what Christmas means and what these weeks promise.
Nov 13, 2011
Remembrance Day & Family Visit
This past Friday we took time to remember those who have fallen in battle for us - both those who died many years ago and those who continue to serve and fall today. I am very fortunate in this appointment to be the Legion Padre for Fernie and as such was able to participate in many of the Remembrance Day services. It was great to be able to listen to the children's voices from a local school choir, to hear the singing of the national anthems and to look around and see a town that came out to support and remember. My day and my involvement was definitely a unique privilege.
Also on Friday my dad and his wife arrived for the weekend and it was a great time. I am loving being close enough to family that I can visit them and they can visit me. I also love having family who will play the piano and read scripture during the service :). We spent some time driving around Fernie and checking out some of the scenic locations. I'm starting to get better with knowing my way around to those very locations. It's great to be able to really know this town as my home....or at least getting there.
Dad also figured out my fireplace and they put together some furniture for me so I guess I'll have to let them come back sometime. Also, for all of his protests my father seems pretty fond of my little cat. She, however, was not so fond of him unless I was nearby or there were treats involved.
All in all a great weekend - even with my cold acting up.
Nov 1, 2011
Are you prepared?
I've been thinking a lot since I read a blog post from a blog I frequent about our willingness to take on challenges. Reformation day was October 31 and it's a big day in Christian Church History. Martin Luther was willing in a big way to take on what had been the church for a very long time - he was willing to stand up for what he believed in. Now it took a long time to see the fruits of those labours and in some ways we are probably still waiting because the church is ever imperfect as we are imperfect. However, he knew he had to take the step because it was what he believed, and was utterly convicted was the right step.
The thing is though the rest of the church had to deal with that conflict and over the years that hasn't always been shown in a loving and good manner, although sometimes it was. However, it's a typical reaction - we do not always do well when people confront our beliefs and values. I think though that a little conflict is not always a bad thing.
For me at least, conflict pushes me to examine why it is I'm stuck on my beliefs. It makes me think and grow more in the knowledge of both sides. Most of the time, well for the really important things, I come down on the same side I always did, but at least then I know why. So if you're interested in knowledge then conflict is probably coming your way - are you prepared?
Martin Luther nailed a thesis into a door, wrote letters, books, and other documents and made good arguments because he knew what he was fighting, I hope I can defend my faith just as well and that I can do it better and better as I grow in my knowledge. I wish to be prepared to face it.
Oct 24, 2011
When I was much younger (can't remember when) I got hooked on Sherlock Holmes mysteries. To this day I cannot tell you why they interest me, but I still love reading them. I have an old paperback collection of some of the more popular stories and then I have a big hardback book that has the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes mysteries. My paperback novel is my travel version. I haul out the hardback at home only.
As I enjoy the book versions I have checked out a few TV versions and of course the latest movie as well. They aren't bad but with the help of my cousins I found an absolutely brilliant adaptation (in my personal opinion) in the form of the new series Sherlock. It is a modernized version of Sherlock Holmes based on the novels. The main characters and principal quirks are the same but done with a modern twist. So for example Dr. John Watson blogs instead of writes down the stories.
The characters are similar to the original characters...Watson is a bit more active and involved, Sherlock is more openly rude to the police, but for the most part they are very similar. Also, quite frankly Watson is a little less agreeable and I think that's more realistic for a roommate that would have been as annoying as Sherlock Holmes.
The mysteries themselves are not the same as in the books, but if you know the stories well enough you can see the pieces they have extracted from the various mysteries written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
This is a great series and I highly recommend it. If you have watched it I would also enjoy a discussion as to what and how they've adapted it to our day :-).
Oct 20, 2011
Unique Skill
Have you ever had one of those get to know you deals where you have to say something unique about yourself? or tell people something they wouldn't know about you etc...? I've played a number of those in my lifetime and they are invariably funny while at the same time being painful as you struggle to think of something funny, unique, interesting and so forth. It was in one of these situations where I was enlightened to the fact that I am missing a joint in my thumb - I didn't even know you were supposed to have a second one. I'm still recovering from that particular instance :-).
Now that's not a skill, which you may be wondering about as that's the title of my blog, but that's what I'm wondering. Here's today's get to know you question -what is your unique skill? or at least uncommon. Mine isn't unique but it is a little uncommon...I can type one thing and say another without typing what I'm saying.
So come on...spill...what's your unique skill?
Oct 10, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
What a great weekend! I had some friends in from Calgary and it was really great to be able to spend some time with them and to have some company around on this weekend. They arrived Saturday afternoon and he immediately got to work helping me around the house. It is really nice to be able to sit on the couch and see some of my pictures hung along with the clock ticking away on the wall and to know that the last few things I needed removed have been.

My cat did not take well to their dog or vice versa, but she has forgiven me and is curled up on the couch with me.
After Saturday of course comes Sunday and we had a beautiful time of worship on Sunday morning. It was nice to have a baby in with us as they seem to bring life wherever they go. On Sunday we also had a time of sharing as we answered the question - what are you thankful for. Well, one of the many things I am thankful for is to be able to hear from others the joys of their lives and the reasons they have to offer up thanksgiving to God. Then...then it was time for a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner and I am ever reminded of how blessed I am to have more than enough food on the table and friends to share it with.
Sunday night it was out for a bit of a drive as we saw some of the gorgeous sights here in Fernie - Mountain views, the new Miner's walk and just generally enjoyed ourselves. Also, I finally got my picture taken at the Welcome to Fernie sign...or Fernie Welcome in this case.
This morning was a chance to sit back and enjoy each others company for a few more hours before they headed home. I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy this weekend and spend some time with my friends, and now I am thankful for the opportunity to relax for a few more hours and enjoy some quiet time today.
Sep 27, 2011
Rules for Sleeping With the Cat
Well, I couldn't sleep last night and as I was tossing and turning I greatly upset my cat and that's what inspired this little post.

1 - the bed is not your bed it is the cat's bed and they allow you to sleep in it.....sometimes
2 - if you are allowed to sleep in the bed the cat is allowed to pick their preferred location first...this may be in a place that is not convenient for you...too bad
3 - if you try to move the cat to a more convenient location be warned...nuff said
4 - your job is to lie as still as possible so as not to disturb the cat, if you cannot, see above rule 3
5 - when you wake up and the cat is not ready to wake up it is your job to get out of bed without disturbing the cat. This is only common courtesy as it is the cat's bed.
I'm obviously feeling a little whimsical due to a lack of sleep, but that's my giggle for the morning. My cat is actually not bad all around but she is still, after all, a cat
Sep 19, 2011
I can do all things
Psalm 121 starts with a question "I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?" The question is answered in the next verse which states that my help comes from the Lord. Now I know that my help does not come from the hills but I look to the hills and that reminds me that my help comes from the creator of those hills. Those mountains that have stood for untold generations - the creator of those mountains is my strength and my shield. This of course always leads me to "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". That's not quite the NIV translation but it is what sticks in my head.
This verse came to my mind a lot this weekend - even for something small. I think most people don't want to be sick, many especially don't want to be sick on a weekend. However, as a single officer who has to be there on Sunday mornings this was a special fear of mine. So, when on Saturday I could barely move without being sick I was concerned. I was fortunate to be able to rest up so Sunday I could at least get up and get to the church. Then through the service I felt just fine. Afterwards was a different story, but what was important was being able to enjoy some wonderful worship with my church family and a time of fellowship. I can after all get better later....and I did
This was one of those tangible moments, but as that verse is with me always I know I'll remember it in the intangible moments too. Because God can do amazing things and I stand amazed every single time and look forward to that continuing here.
Sep 4, 2011
Working in a Small Office
Since moving to Fernie I have come into a nice, small office. Now, there are definitely some downsides to working in a small office. If you're claustrophobic it would be a challenge, it's hard to meet with more than one person at a time, and if you're at all like me you could be forever bumping into things. Also, lots and lots of people would look at my office and say that there wasn't any room to get anything done in there. BUT, I say it isn't so. What a small office gives you is a need to be properly organized and efficient, thereby getting a lot done.
You may be thinking of my bumping into things and how I can deal with that? Truthfully I bump into things even in a larger space so that's not really a qualification for me :).
A small office also dictates some creativity and planning. There are pieces of furniture and resources that are useful to have in offices but arranging them to fit the space means thinking, measuring and seeing an image in your head of how you want the office to work for your needs. So when I arrived I thought through a few different ideas, tried out what was there and eventually re-jigged the office a bit to work better for me. This will be different for every person.
Another thing that's important is keeping your paper and supplies under control. My dad writes Ian's Messy Desk and lately he's had a series of One Minute Monday tips - short little articles of ways to keep organized and cut down on excess in your office. The one that caught my eye particularly was Clear Desk Clutter although the others are useful as well. Keeping your desk clear is good no matter how big your office is but in a small area it is imperative. When you have nowhere else to put anything a clear, organized desk is imperative to getting any work done at all.
All in all, working in a small office has been very helpful to me, and this occurred to me on Saturday as I was organizing my paper work and getting things ready for this week. A small office is helping me keep on top of all sorts of projects, correspondence and definitely helping me keep on top of having excess paperwork and stuff around. When you have no space you get to be good at clearing out what you don't need.
Another good idea is to go as paperless as you can. I got some experience in working a paperless model and I still try to maintain a similar model myself. It's not entirely possible but if I keep as much as I can paperless it works better for keeping my space free for other things.
Anyway, there's what I have for today - small offices do not equal bad :).
Aug 25, 2011
The Long and Winding Road
I drove out to Osoyoos today and let me tell ya when the brass band arrangement of The Long and Winding Road came on through my shuffle all I could think was - how appropriate. I spent several hours today winding up and then back down in the Rocky Mountains. It was beautiful and certainly not a boring ride. I'm enjoying the opportunity to see even more of southern BC than I have before.
I pretty much just wanted to mention the good timing of a song today and that's it :).
Aug 19, 2011
Songs in the Head
Anyone else have songs in their head all the time? I feel like I'm constantly walking around with some tune or another stuck in my head. Most of the time if I know the words of the full arrangement it's okay. It only drives me nuts if I only know say the first line. However, the songs that have been bouncing around in there...(pause for obvious joke)...the past few days are songs that I am quite familiar with and actually seem to work nicely together in theme.
One of them is Showers of Blessing as played in the band arrangement Las Lluvias Grandes. This is a very fun arrangement of the tune to listen to and a favourite of mine. The words that most come into my head are "There shall be showers of blessing, This is the promise of love".
The other song is by Mandisa and it's called Broken Hallelujah. The song is sung from the perspective of someone who is in pain, even shattered yet brings the message that even if it's a broken hallelujah, praise will still rise to the Lord. The second verse is about how the Lord has given so much more than the singer (or listener in my case) deserves.
That is where the linking point comes in for me on these two songs. They both remind me just how much God has given me, of just how faithful God has been to me and as Mandisa sings "if all that I can sing is a broken hallelujah, if my only offering is shattered praise, still a song of adoration will rise up from these ruins..." It's not about a perfect sound, or being in a perfect place in our lives...We simply should praise God who has given us so much, who has blessed us and who will always be with us.
Aug 14, 2011
Where it's at
As usual I find myself wondering what to blog about :). Maybe I need a monthly planner or something...or weekly if I do want to blog more often.
I could always go on and on about the scenery here. You really could not land in a more beautiful spot. Granted there are many places around the world that are equally as beautiful in different ways but for me the mountains do it all. The mountains for me have always provided a sense of strength and peace. These come from a few realizations. One, that the creator of those glorious, majestic mountains is my creator and is looking out for me. Two, that something that has lasted so long is still standing secure. These both come into my mind frequently and so I give thanks that I am living surrounded by these amazing mountains.
Then there's the new glasses - love the frames but very different for me to look out. They sit a lot higher on my nose than my old ones and so when I try to look down I keep forgetting to move my whole head and all of a sudden find myself unable to see :). It's almost like I'm getting used to bifocals or something. I also really notice the thickness of my prescription in these because the frames are very thin. Someone mentioned saving for laser eye surgery and I think it might be time to consider that. Although I do love these glasses....maybe funky reading glasses.
Then there's the topic of having my adorable if lead filled cat back. I honestly don't understand how a cat that small makes more noise than I do. I was coming home one day and as I stood outside the door I could hear her thumping down the steps to the entry way. She is some good company though. I enjoy having her around to play with, tease and curl up with to read my books. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she'll be turning 12 in November. I may get teased, but I did miss her over my two year period in college and I love having her back. Some may think she's evil (I can actually think of 6 people who may think that), but she's my baby.
Well, there we go a mismatched, non-thematic blog but it's a bit about what's going on right now. Some of these topics I've discussed before in one way or another, but hey, life is occasionally repetitive for me :).
Aug 4, 2011
Sermon Series
So here I am in my first appointment and I'm slowly getting the hang of things here and getting used to living in Fernie (and trying to figure out what this community choir's all about and if I can join). One of the things to get used to and adjust for my schedule is this preaching thing. I am privileged to bring a sermon forward every week and I pray constantly that my words be what God wants me to say.
A challenge with sermons can be what to preach on and in my summer assignment last year I enjoyed the preaching calendar and this year I'm trying out the legendary "sermon series". This is a series of sermons with a connecting theme - book of the Bible, focus, etc...My first crack at this is an idea I had last year and that's Golden Boys of the Bible. I wanted something that wouldn't be difficult to follow if you missed a week as people are away frequently in the summer, but something that still fits the theme concept.
The Golden Boys of the Bible looks at those heroes of the faith such as Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and David. These are only a few of the heroes of course but these are the ones I'm looking at. The overarching theme of this is that God is faithful to people - to people who screw up, who don't always do what their told and sometimes flat out do wrong stuff, but God is always faithful. It's a lot of fun as a series actually and I'm really enjoying a chance to look through these amazing stories and to be reminded just how much God does (have I mentioned I love the Old Testament).
Anyway this is one of many series I have cooking. I also have Sermon on the Mount, why we celebrate (pentecost, the sacrifice etc...), Old Testament Law (not all of them), books of the Bible and others. Now these won't go from series to series to series or anything but they are those series I pray about to hopefully see when is the right time to preach them. My questions is this - what are your views on series and what series do you think of?
Jul 22, 2011
Something new about trains
You know, I lived in Winnipeg for the past two years and spent a considerable amount of time watching trains, waiting for them to clear (especially with one particular sessionmate...you know who you are lol) and looking for ways to avoid them. However, it wasn't until I moved here to Fernie that I realized how often a train blows their horn. I just didn't hear it that much in Winnipeg, or maybe it didn't blow that much in Winnipeg.
In Fernie it's a different matter though and I hear it many times throughout the day. It hasn't really bothered me although I already know to watch my timing in church so I am prepared to pause when it passes through. I learned, when querying why it blows here, that the train conductor's blow the horn/whistle as a warning and safety precaution to try to prevent collisions with vehicles, people etc...
Admittedly it's very possible that it'll drive me nuts from time to time as I spend more days listening to it but on the whole I think it's a great sound, and even though it's not distinctive to the mountains it does strike me as fitting for this mountain community. As is the picture it creates winding down the tracks here.
What a breathtaking community - including the train whistle.
Jul 15, 2011
Journey & Arrival
Well, I've arrived safe and sound in Fernie after a wonderful drive through Manitoba and Alberta as well as touching into B.C. where I am now located. It was a great experience and a nice opportunity for me to simply chill out and enjoy our beautiful country. Romans 3 sticks with me a lot as I think of Paul writing that God is obvious to us because of what we see every single day. I know that for me personally I was so staggered by the creation that is here and knowing that it represents only a small portion of the beauty around the world. I thank God for the beauty that I was able to experience on my drive and for the beauty that surrounds me here in the rocky mountains so that I am always able to be reminded of His presence.
It's been almost a week since I have arrived in Fernie and how the time has flown. It's been a time of getting to know each other and the corps and I am still very excited about my first appointment. It's busy of course but that is to be expected and I like being on the go. The weather here is amazing even as I sit here and listen to the rain pattering outside.
My installation service was last week and was a lot of fun and very lively. It has been a couple of weeks of firsts and I know I have even more ahead of me. One thing that isn't a first is knowing that God is and will be there every step of the way.
Jun 26, 2011
Commissioning Weekend
Well, the weekend is over and I am still stunned that this was my commissioning weekend. There are too many thoughts and emotions surrounding this weekend for me to articulate clearly but suffice it to say it was an excellent one.
Every time I see myself in red trim (for officer's) I am surprised and wonder what's going on ;). It doesn't seem quite real yet and probably won't for awhile. This weekend was beautifully put together and a delight to participate in.
I was and am very blessed by those family and friends who were there to support me as well as the family and friends of my session mates who came for them as well. It is very moving to see that visible sign of support and know that it is a mere representation of all those who could not attend.
I am now off for some vacation before starting my appointment and am very excited to see a whole bunch of people. For those here this weekend who I didn't get to see - I'm sorry to have missed you and thanks for coming. For those who took pictures I hope I can see them as I didn't get a chance to take many :).
So to conclude this out for today....WHAT A WEEKEND!
May 24, 2011
Last Days
So, I keep meaning to blog and then I never get around to it and well here it is and it's been ages since I blogged.
At this point there are only 15 or 16 days until we leave for Toronto to begin what will be an amazing weekend I'm sure, but admittedly all I can see is the endless row of boxes :). I am apparently not a motivated packer which could present some problems in future years. However, I will get it all done, inventoried and ready to ship in time. I believe!
May 9, 2011
Packing Demonstration Leads Down Memory Lane
Who knew that a packing demonstration would get me as excited as it did? Now, it's not really the packing demonstration of course but what it represents. That the classes are done, things are slowly wrapping up and commissioning is right around the corner. I've been doing a lot of reminiscing lately and even during this demonstration I found myself thinking about the past two years and how I came to the point that I am packing.
It has been the most amazing almost two years. Since I arrived here in September of 2009 I have been privileged to participate in ministry all across this country and even outside of it. I've been looking through all my pictures lately and enjoying all the good times that I see in them and laughing over some of the funny stories that I remember surrounding them. I'm actually going to try and scrapbook my two years here as best I can to try and capture some of those amazing experiences.
I'm taking a brief break now from packing away all my things again for the move to Fernie and wondering what new memories I'll form there. Maybe I'll make scrapbooking a hobby and make a big collection for all my appointments...we'll see. In the mean time I better be good and get back to those boxes.
Well, for some reason this post disappeared off my blog so here it is again...not sure what happened there.
Apr 30, 2011
Was yesterday an exciting day or what? Okay maybe not for everyone but here at the college it was definitely a crazy day. I will admit to a sleepless night the night before this first appointment and to some nerves but, even more, a great deal of excitement. I wonder how it will be in later years as I get into the cycle of moves although I'm sure there will always be some of that no matter how many moves I have. This year though was the first and in some ways I am still in shock to see my name on that move list.
I have been so blessed in my time here at CFOT and will miss many things when I'm gone - even the simple idea of coming back and seeing everyone over the summer will be a noticeable change for me. It is hard to believe it's only been two years while at the same time a challenge to think it's been almost two whole years :-). I know God will continue to work in me and that my time at training college is coming to an end but not my time in training and I am very okay with that.
Here comes the big road ahead! Keep watch!
Apr 19, 2011
Well you can certainly feel the excitement building around the college right now. The regular semester is done and all that are left are intensives (maybe not all...but not a full semester at least). BUT, even before all of that there comes a momentous day where Summer Assignments and First Appointments are announced. There is a lot of anticipation around the college as we all think about where we may be going and what is in store for our futures.
However, even before all of those exciting things are revealed we are first heading out on easter brigading - myself I'm going to Flin Flon, and of course we have all sorts of things planned for that weekend and what is in store for us there.
Even still (hard to believe) there is one more countdown that flows around all of this and that is these last few days before Easter as we walk the road to Jerusalem and the unbelievable act of faith and grace made by Jesus Christ in his death on the cross. We're very fortunate here to be able to attend chapel every day and spend time in reflection on that gift of salvation. I hope that others are also taking some time during this week to reflect on the idea that "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." and not only for those that loved him but for all who he loved.
Even in the excitement I have ahead of me I feel so privileged to have received this great gift.
Apr 9, 2011
I stepped off the airplane to an immediate wave of heat and humidity on April 1, 2011. It was hard to believe that I was really in Cuba about to try something completely different. It was an amazing week and I won't say much about it here as I'm doing other write ups and need the material :-). However, I will say I had a great time, met wonderful people and was sorry that I was only there for a week while still being incredibly grateful that I got to go for a week. Here are a few shots from down there.
Mar 28, 2011
Songs and Music
I am a big music lover and can frequently be heard singing any random song that pops into my head. I enjoy everything from jazz to swing to rock to country to show tunes etc...I also, as many would expect, enjoy church hymns, praise and worship choruses and other various forms of what's called Christian music. Since I've been at training college there has been some attention paid to the theology of the words that we're singing, and so I've been really trying to listen and read what I'm singing.
A song that's really mattered to me because of that this year has been He Giveth More Grace. There are many great lines in that song but this year it's been "when we reach the end of our hoarded resources, our Father's full giving has only begun" that has continually circled around in my head. There are a few things that strike me about that particular line as I read it. One, it's absolutely true - we have limits on ourselves that God just doesn't have. He can and will give to us endlessly as demonstrated by His previous giving.
The other thing that has struck me personally and recently is that it doesn't have to be at the end of our rope that we receive from our Father. His full giving is there, His support is there for each of us no matter what situation we're in. So I encourage you to think about the words of the songs that you are singing to God. Don't just sing them because they are catchy or the latest craze but sing them because of what they mean. What are your favourite songs and why?
I also LOVE brass band music and enjoy many music artists who are not considered specifically Christian but their music is excellent and has a good message.
Mar 15, 2011
Ides of March - and my 100th post

Today is March 15 and it is also the Ides of March. On the Ides of March 44 BC Julius Caesar was assassinated through the plotting of Marcus Brutus and landed the date into history. Shakespeare - in his play Julius Caesar - portrays Brutus as a tragic hero who murders Caesar a brutal tyrant, but of course history isn't quite as confident on those extreme notes. However, the idea of betraying a close friend is one that has been popular in history and of course Christianity is no exception.
In our Ethics class this week we spoke about the idea of betrayal and the name Judas Iscariot came up and of course I jumped to Dante's Inferno. I don't know why I make that leap, but when the name Judas Iscariot comes up I am reminded of the 9th circle of hell reserved for those worst sinners - those who betray a special relationship. Now in my defense for why Judas comes to mind - he is in that 9th circle.
So maybe today's post is really about relationships. Keeping them healthy, remembering that grace is a good thing, and that no matter if the relationship is good or bad none of us want to end up saying "Et tu Brutus?"
image from: http://www.globalresearch.ca
Feb 26, 2011
The Infamous To Do List
Do you have a To Do List? I have a to do list - sometimes it feels like I have a to do list for my to do list. Is the to do list ever complete? I don't think so, I think the completed to do list is an urban myth. Where I struggle with the list is never getting it completed. It seems as soon as I cross off one thing I can think of half a dozen other things to get completed.
Now, it's important to realize that I am not about to advocate not using lists. I love lists, I make lists that are detailed and organized and sometimes I make them just for fun....yes, what if lists. I realize this admission will make a few people chuckle, and some might accuse me of insanity. I'm okay with that :).
What did cause me to think about this was lovely reading week which is now almost done...sigh. I had and have a to do list for reading week and of course I didn't get it all done. BUT I did get some of it done. I also still have the better part of the weekend to get even more on the list done, provided I don't expect to start Monday morning with absolutely nothing left to do. I am actually feeling pretty good about the fact that I got stuff done and I know I'll feel even better by the time the weekend is over.
Yup, all in all a great week where my to do list is far from complete but the important things are done or started :).
Feb 19, 2011
I've been missing the GTB lately (who wouldn't) even though I'm in a couple of bands here, and so we have a blog about being in a band :). This isn't a discussion about whether or not there should be bands anymore but just about how great a support the band has been to me.
I've been playing for over 20 years now (don't let this fool you, I started young, and so am still young) and for all of that time have been in a band of some sort - church, school etc...The support that I've been able to experience can't be underestimated. This was a group of people who were all coming together for the same reason - to make music. I will admit to finding the brass band experience at church the most fulfilling because to the level of making music you add the fact that everyone is now coming together to make music in praise to God. I think I can say without question that without the people who were in these groups. They have prayed for me, encouraged me and been shoulders to lean on pretty well my whole life.
So yes, I have had a great experience that has taught me to appreciate band. I love the music we create and the diversity that's available to a brass band. I mean hey, everything from marches, jazz, Broadway, Disney and much more is available. So for today - a nice shout out to the brass band world which has helped make me who I am today - geekiness and all :)
Feb 8, 2011

Ground Beef Quesadilla Things
1 lbs ground beef
Garlic, Cayenne, Chili powder, Red Pepper Flakes
Soft Tortilla Shells
Grated Mozzarella Cheese
Spaghetti Sauce
Preheat oven to 425 C. Brown ground beef and season to taste with the above spices. Add in two TBSP of spaghetti sauce. Let simmer
Spread thin layer of spaghetti sauce on tortilla shells, add layer of mozzarella cheese, add cooked/seasoned beef, layer of mozzarella cheese and second tortilla with spaghetti sauce side down. Place in oven until cheese is melted and bubbly - makes a half dozen or so small tortillas.
Baked Penne Pasta
1 lb Ground Beef
1 Bottle Spaghetti Sauce (or make from scratch if you're so inclined)
Penne Pasta
Grated Cheddar/Mozzarella Cheese (really any kind/combination of your standard pasta cheeses will do)
Garlic, Oregano, Rosemary
Preheat oven to 400 C. Brown ground beef and season to taste. Add spaghetti sauce and simmer. Boil pasta. Put small amount of sauce on bottom of small casserole dish. Put layer of cheese, noodles, sauce - repeat until dish is full. Top with layer of cheese, cover and place in oven. Bake until cheese is bubbly and brown on edges (if you're like me and enjoy some crispy cheese, otherwise you might want to take it out earlier).
Well those are them and at least now I can find them again if I'm so inclined. If anyone else enjoys these recipes that's great too.
Feb 5, 2011
I still remember a discussion that I had in my Old Testament class in my very first semester here at training college and it was about the fairness of life. I was reminded of it recently as I was watching Babylon 5 and I heard a quote from my favourite character Marcus Cole. It's an episode where someone shows up who believes that they are King Arthur (Late Delivery from Avalon). However, even before the Arthur character arrives Marcus is having a discussion with the doctor and he says the following:
"You know, um…I used to think that it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."
The discussion in class was about that very question - is life fair. Of course my automatic inclination is to say no! How could it be? But then a point was raised that made me see the question from a totally different perspective. If life were fair would the Son of God have come to earth and died for our sins? Now if you aren't a Christian this may not change your perspective at all, but it did change mine as I was reminded of the greatest gift to humanity that was ever given.
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:12-13
My little reflection for the morning.
Jan 19, 2011
Accessible Books

When reading through these books I've come to have this idea about accessibility of language and concepts. There are some of my fiction novels that contain concepts that you just shouldn't jump into - especially the science fiction ones for me. As you become more familiar with concepts and words that seem to be common in these genres you can delve into some of the more so called "hardcore" novels. Our textbooks are much the same. Some of them are easier to understand and help you grasp concepts using common and everyday language. There are others which take me more time to struggle through and understand as the language is complicated and so are the concepts.

Now, as I'm always on the lookout...anyone have any authors to recommend? I read far more then those authors listed above and certainly in every genre - I like Jeffrey Deaver too for example and the classics such as those written by Doyle or Austin. For non-fiction there's always Yancey, Lewis, and well, the list is too long to continue. Who or what do you like to read?
Jan 4, 2011
Deep Breath
Well, today, I saw for the first time my name written out including the rank I will have as of some time on June 25. The reaction I had took me by some surprise as it was intense. I find now that January is here I am thinking about June more and more even though I am really trying not to wish my time here away. There is a security in the environment here at college that I appreciate and a wonderful support network of people...not to mention all my great session mates and the Friends of Christ session right outside my door if I want company or study buddies :).
In some ways it seems much longer then 16 months that I've been here but in others it's only the blink of an eye since I left Calgary. I still miss home in so many ways although I am adapting to living outside of Calgary and the idea of living who knows where come July. As I speak to friends and family who are thinking of going to Toronto for commissioning I can't believe that we're close enough to even have that discussion...well time enough left at the college to enjoy and I will enjoy as much as possible. I am excited about this terms course load and what I will learn, in fact am already learning this semester.
Jan 1, 2011
New Year...Fresh Start?
So many people, so many New Years resolutions - some kept, some not, some unique, some typical....do you have any? That you're willing to admit to? I have a couple - although they have been around longer than today though so I'm not sure they count.
I did a bit of reading on New Years resolutions and one particular passage struck me as interesting. I'm not sure how historically accurate it is, but I read that Romans would count the herds and resolve to have more the following year. What struck me about that reading is that we often mock resolutions, won't admit to having them etc...and yet - when the new fiscal year rolls around and a company resolves to increase their holdings it makes the papers. When a church raises it's goals for giving or attendance we encourage and seek after that (as we should). These are forms of resolutions, ways to improve things and ourselves but we just have a different mindset about them. An odd thought to strike me but there it is...
For me I'm going to use the opportunity of a New Year the way I have for awhile - a continual fresh start (hopefully not too much of a contradiction in terms). A way to continue working on the goals that I've set to hopefully become a better person and to grow closer in my relationship with God and others.
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